Thursday, April 2, 2009

Getting Geared Up for Croatia

In case you haven't heard I am going to Croatia this summer. I am super excited about it. Croatia is in Europe people OK?!'s a gorgeous country that has over 1,200 islands dotting it coastline. It is paradise. So before I leave in June I have made a vow to myself to lose 15 lbs! I did it last year, and I will do it again. Of course, no pain, no gain. It might be tough, but I've just been doing positive affirmations every morning when I wake up. Guiding my body, telling it to let go of any extra weight that it doesn't need, and appreciating it. I've found that this really works! It's like the whole theory about talking to plants. If you talk to a plant, give it love, and support, it will grow!

I went to Agape Spiritual Center last night( Agape is the spiritual community that has allowed me heart to grow. It is my church, my temple, my synagogue, my sanctuary. It's hard being a 20 something in the 21st century, and I often feel totally overwhelmed. But this place has grounded me, calmed me and saved my life many times. God is good, ever present and blessing my life constantly. Dr.Wayne Dyer ( ) explains it like this "We are not human beings have a spiritual experience -we are spiritual beings having a human experience." I love that.


  1. I love this. I feel the same way about just gently letting your body shed it's layers, and I like the idea of talking to yourself - as silly as people will probably think you are. I always wanted to go to agape, but never actually did. Glad you love it so much! Let's encourage each other through losing weight!
